[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Although Article 1348 of the Brazilian Civil Code establishes the duties for a condominium manager, the type of syndic varies according to the personal characteristics of each individual, as in all other professions.
That is, the way the professional deals with the obligations of the day to day and solves the problems that appear depends on this profile, delineated from the personality and their particular experiences.
After all, what kind of syndic are you?
If you have come this far, it’s probably because you have heard about the subject and been curious about what kind of trustee you are and what aspects can be improved.
After all, knowing your own profile is fundamental so that condominium management is successful, satisfactory, efficient and accepted by the condominiums.
With that in mind, we list the top syndic styles, and tips on what can be improved on each one. Check it out!
1. Centralizing syndic
This type of professional is one who likes to solve everything by himself, either to make processes more agile or by not believing that others can perform activities with the same performance.
It is not part of their habit to consult with residents during meetings or seek help from the administrator or the Board to get another picture of the issues that arise.
Among the positives points of this profile is agility, but loses by lack of engagement. With this, their can end up even disrespecting the laws of the condo.
What can be done to improve:
Although it is a strong point to solve condominium problems quickly, centralization can leave the professional overloaded, which causes him to lose their performance. In addition, residents may feel excluded from decisions, which damages the image of the manager.
Therefore, it is important to ask the help of those who are in the condominium for this, so that there is more community and participation and, at the same time, the syndic is less troubled.
2. Excited syndic
This type of syndic is the one that, upon assuming, already begins to do a series of research, request budgets, seek innovations and ways to reduce the costs of the condominium with the implementation of new strategies. In addition, during the meetings of the assembly, it is he who wants to present ideas and news in the first place.
Although this profile is welcome to the condominium, since the excited syndic wants to make improvements, care must be taken to open space for the participation of the residents.
What can be done to improve:
As we have said, this type of syndic has positive points, but it is necessary to allow the residents to participate in the decisions related to the place where they live. Otherwise, the strength of this professional can be seen as arrogance.
3. Democratic syndic
Unlike the centralizing syndic or the excited syndic, the democratic cares about the participation of the administrator, Council and residents in the decisions.
This style of professional gains by the good relationship and transparency in its management. However, care must be taken not to slow down processes by having to mediate different opinions and suggestions until reach a common denominator.
What can be done to improve:
To count on the participation of the collective is important but, as we said, this can not make the activities slow and, thus, end up compromising the results of the condominium. The tip, in this case, is to create commissions of residents for the different subjects.
For example, it is possible to mount groups oriented to common areas, to maintenance, among others. Each of them would be responsible for assisting the syndic and, later, important matters would be presented in assembly.
4. Multifunctional syndic
This is the kind of syndic that can be called a “jack of all trades”. That is, assumes several functions and wants to take care of all of them at the same time. Even if many of them are not part of their scope of work, such as small repairs, help the condominium owners with personal issues, etc.
Although having helpfulness as a strong point, performing many functions that are outside the administrative responsibilities can end up causing the professional to lose their priorities.
What can be done to improve:
Even if the syndic thinks he can take care of everything, in order to not to compromise his own work, he must rely on the professionals who are in the condominium to help, such as the caretaker.
In addition, when it is necessary to hire specialized services, this must be done. The important thing, in this case, is not to get overwhelmed.
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