condomínio corporativo

Corporate or commercial condominium: differences and advantages

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]In the condominium universe, full of details, it is common to have doubts about the most varied subjects. Among them are the differences between a corporate condominium and a commercial building. Although many think they are the same, there are significant differences between the two types of enterprise. We made this post with the intention…

sistema de segurança nas empresas

4 tips to improve the security system in companies

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Currently, the security system in companies is a major concern of management. This is an aspect that must be well planned in order to guarantee the physical integrity of employees and protect the organization’s assets, including confidential data and information. Therefore, it is important to always seek to improve processes to make the organizational environment…

8 important steps for successful hospital management

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]According to estimates by the Vazolini Foundation, the public and private health sector in Brazil wastes between 25% and 30% of the resources invested. Given this scenario, in addition to patients seeking excellence in care, it is essential to have an efficient hospital management. The sector is responsible for the planning, organization and administration of…

controle de acesso em hospitais

How important is access control in hospitals?

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Brazil is one of the most insecure countries in the world, and this scenario seems far from changing. At least that’s what the Atlas of Violence 2019 points out, developed by the Applied Economic Research Institute (Ipea, by its acronyms in Portuguese). The research showed that, between 2017 and 2018, there was a 4.2% increase…

segurança eletrônica

5 electronic security myths revealed

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]With the advancement of technology, several new security solutions for homes, condominiums, and companies have emerged in recent years. One of the main examples is express access and also the sending of digital invitations. However, as always, along with the novelties, suspicions also arise. Therefore, to choose a solution consciously, it’s necessary to know what…

Ferramentas de gestão de coworking

Coworking management tools: discover the top 5

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Nowadays, coworking management tools are fundamental to manage a business with safety, agility, and precision. Especially, at a time when the Brazilian market is in an effervescence for this type of enterprise. Do you want some optimistic data about this? The sector grew 500% in Brazil, which increases the need to have the best solutions…